Friday, October 15, 2010

Breaking from Tradition!

Normally my sardonic personality shines in my blog; however, this time I am breaking from tradition to post a link to my daughter's new website! She is a musician here in Knoxville and performs and teaches private music lessons! Her site is up and running, but still under construction. Make sure and check it frequently and share it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Anyone that knows me also knows I am a frequent flier. As such, I am usually well prepared for flights with snacks, sudoku books, reading books, laptop, headphones, etc. However, this past cross country trip I can only blame myself for my misery. Somewhere in my daughter's Utah house are my noise reducing headphones. As I sat at 31,000 feet flying home to Tennessee I was tormented. Yes, tormented-- by a middle aged barrel chested chubby woman snoring louder than any man, woman or creature I've ever heard!
Yes, I had earplugs snuggly pushed in deeper than they should be, and yes, my hoodie was pulled over my head with my hands covering my ears; my inner voice screaming from within!!!!
   I am not a violent person, but I think I could have ripped out this stranger's adnoids! Why was she sleeping in the middle of the friggin' day????? I'll be the first to admit I have a sound sensitivity- but this woman was out of control and RIDICULES!!!!!!!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Not a Good Sign from your Doctor!

So I recently had a bout with kidney stones. Yes, they hurt for a woman too. How do they compare with labor? Well, these 3 badboys were small- so, whereas the pain was like labor- it was bearable. A few years ago I had the big daddy of all stones that basically sliced and diced me and I ended up with emergency surgery. Worse than labor! No cute cuddly baby to help me forget the pain! 

However, my point isn't to discuss the stones, but rather this issue of Reader's Digest that was in the exam room as I waited for the Urologist. Out of curiosity, I picked it up to read if indeed my DOCTOR is OUT OF DATE. I flipped past the military jokes, the stupidest criminals and the ads, as well as the real life drama with the feel good ending and wait....I missed the article. I flipped backwards, then forwards... then I counted the pages. Yep, this article was ripped right out of the magazine. 

Perhaps a patient ripped it out---but highly doubtful. My observation is if someone wants the article, they take the entire magazine. Especially from a magazine as small as Reader's Digest.

Look at the magazine cover- of course we want to compare what they say to our exam!


(at the very least they should toss the entire magazine to avoid suspicious patients like me!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Doppleganger: The Celebrity I Am

I did it. I admit it. I was curious to see what star I would be matched to via Facebook's latest fad. Apparently it was difficult. All of my picture uploads failed. Finally, I took a quick photobooth shot. It's 11 pm, I'm in sweats, I have on no make-up and I am slouching on the couch. Of course this picture was accepted!

After watching too much of the Grammy awards while waiting, a 74% match was made! Glory- be- I wonder who I resemble???? Ready for this one???????

That's right, I look like a young Filipina Pop Star. 
Need I say more?