Sunday, September 20, 2009

Me and My Foot!

Here I go again!

Me and my foot! This picture cannot possibly capture the amount of pain I am currently in. I am wondering just how many injuries a foot (the same foot) can possibly endure!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I totally understand the appeal of pirates. Let's face it, Johnny Depp brought his charm to Captain Jack Sparrow. The Swashbuckling pirate allowed for boys (and girls thanks to Keira Knightly) to be boisterous and playful. Daring rescues and sword fights followed by laughter and merriment. Who wouldn't want this life?
However, we never think about the stinky side of pirates. No bathing for weeks- months. Doubtful a toothbrush is anywhere to be found in essentials- just plenty of rum! Thievery is a way of life. Yet, we glamorize and fantasize about the life of a pirate. We even encourage it at a very young age to our children!!!!!!

Maybe Vegetales got it right afterall!

Urban Living and Planning

The town where I live recently voted down the idea of building a town center shopping area where stores are on the first floor and condos rest above. Who would want to live this way? They questioned.

Who would support a park and recreational center in their neighborhood? People want their own space only!
Here is the view across the street from the above urban living development in Myrtle Beach, SC!


Ok, I understand the need for Euphemisms,  I really do. But come on, sometimes it just has to be called what it is. A waterbug is nothing more than a BIG ROACH! Yuck!!!!

Mystic or Holy Powers?

Ok, this IS an
 oxymoron-- either you claim to be a mystic and read palms and auras, OR you are a spiritual adviser.  Need I say more?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yes, Americans are FAT!


I love to eat. I do. I enjoy ice cream and other gluten-free indulgences. I love Mexican food, sushi, hummus, fruit, nuts, and I adore anything peanut butter! Most of you know I recently turned the big 5-0. I have noticed my body shifting and I admit I need to lose a few pounds. I do keep very active- try to walk, I pace, I garden and flitter around a lot. I try to park so I have to take a few extra steps and almost always will take stairs when feasible. I kick myself when my size 14's are snug. I used to joke that the way to feel skinny is to have fat friends. After spending a lovely weekend at Myrtle Beach, SC I am totally disgusted as to how FAT we have become as Americans. There, I said it. PEOPLE,  MAKE BETTER FOOD CHOICES, MOVE MORE AND QUIT COMPLAINING IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT! And for Heaven's Sakes, WE DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FAT! COVER UP!!!!!!!!!